Monday, July 12, 2010

Come Out With Pride 2009 (The Importance of Pride) featuring Stuart Milk

Question: Why do we have Pride at all when there's so much acceptance out there? How do you counter that argument and how do you counter the argument that Pride Parades don't really advance the GLBT cause?

Stuart Milk: You know 30 years after Harvey was killed, we have no more federal equality than we did then. So the laws do not say that we have acceptance, the laws do not say we have equality. So when you're young, in particular, and the law says you can't serve in the military - you're less, and the law says  you can't get married - you're less and the law says you can get fired from your job just because you're LGBT then what that says to that young person is, don't accept yourself. Pride is the one amazing thing that can counter that.

via YouTube - Come Out With Pride 2009 (The Importance of Pride) featuring Stuart Milk.

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